Our Mammoth Cave Tour was exactly what the doctor ordered! We had a great time exploring and even got to see a few bats! There were places where all we could do was roll or crawl, places we had to climb up and down, lots of walking hunched over- and we can't wait to go on another trip! I did sweat and it was a bit taxing, but I was very surprised at how well my body held up, muscle weakness and all. Below are a few pics of the fun!
Where are some fun places you've been to recently or recommend for us to visit in the near future? I'd love to hear what you like to do with a free weekend with the family!
In other news, I've been reading a lot about the Paleolithic diet, a diet that seems to be less about weight loss and more about a "healthy" lifestyle that mimics eating like our ancestors, the cavemen. The diet consists of meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, seafood, and healthy fats, but avoids grains, processed sugars and foods, alcohol, legumes, starches, and even dairy. Let me first say that I don't consider myself overweight at all. I'm 5'4" tall and 120 pounds, 8 months after my first baby. I'm happy with how I look, but would love to be just a bit more toned and want my heart to be healthy. That being said, my body is at constant work against itself. Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease sucks because no matter what you may be able to get your outsides to look like, your insides are always under attack. In reading about Paleo, some are calling it an unhealthy fad, while many are speaking of its amazing healing powers. People with RA, MS, and even Dermatomyositis are claiming complete recovery, remission, and/or significant improvement from their disease in as little as 30 days.
Recovery? Remission? Why WOULDN'T I want that? Or at least to give it a try? Let's see here, because I haven't ever been able to follow any type of diet plan or regimen for more than like 12 hours... ever in my life. I don't know if it's my sweet tooth, or that I just get hungry and grab what's in the pantry, but to me, dieting has never worked. But maybe it's because there wasn't enough at stake. I've never really needed to lose weight, so what did it matter if a little diet plan I made failed?
So tomorrow it begins. I will take this diet one day at a time, doing my best to be as compliant as possible, while not isolating myself or starving myself in the process. My goal is to make it 14 days. This seems within reach, yet very difficult, which makes it a good first mile marker. And I'm hoping that within those 14 days, I will begin to see and feel a difference. And if that's the case, then I pray going forward becomes easier and maybe, just maybe, I can adopt this diet as a lifestyle and achieve wellness like I haven't had in years.
If anyone reading this follows a similar diet plan, I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments, as well as gather any recipes and meal ideas from you. I'd also love any prayers you are willing to send up as I get my hopes up for what I know God can do through trusting Him through all of this. Regardless of any actual results, I know my God is bigger than any disease or circumstance I can find myself troubled with.
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